Great Success, ESL Hopes to Hold an MLBB Event in 2024

Great Success, ESL Hopes to Hold an MLBB Event in 2024

ESL Snapdragon Pro Series MLBB Season 3 has been officially carried out and can be said to be a great success.

The event which took place in Indonesia was very successful with enthusiasm that could be seen. This was also felt by Michael Kiefer, Senior Product Manager of ESL, who expressed his impression of seeing the enthusiasm from the Indonesian audience.

Dock. Personal

It’s amazing (the audience). I don’t think I’ve ever seen an audience like this anywhere. The Brazilian audience is probably the type that can best compete with this, it’s pretty much like everything with the chants, the drum beats, the clapping. For Europe and North America I have never seen anything like this. So Indonesian fans are really next level, very passionate, very supportive and very organized,” he said.

Seeing such great enthusiasm, will ESL be held again? A quite surprising answer was given by Michael Kiefer.

Michael Hope Can Make ESL in 2024

“I hope to do it, we (ESL) haven’t locked anything in for 2024. I think the event has spoken for itself, the results have been very good, I achieved my goal at the start. I hope to be back again, “said Michael.

Seeing the results obtained, it turns out that Michael Kiefer really hopes that they can come back again for next year.

READ ALSO: ESL SPS MLBB S3 Results: ONIC Upper and BTR Lower

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