3 Assassin Heroes Most Feared by Mage & MM

Did you know that three hero assassins op Mobile Legends this ability is the most feared by mage heroes and mmh, who is it?

Assassin type heroes indeed known as a cold-blooded killer hero, his main task is to kill the opponent’s core hero.

Yep, mage and mm heroes are the main targets of mm because of their thin blood and at the same time they are the key for the opposing team to win the match.

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Related to this, SPIN Esports has 3 recommendations hero assassins what mages and mm fear the most.


Joy Jungler
source: Mobile Legends

Joy is a hero who is currently on the rise to become a jungler, she has the ability to go straight to the back of the opposing hero, where mms and mages are usually found.

Then he can immediately kill him right then and there, you need to remember that Joy has good immune skills so it is unlikely that you will be able to live when you are targeted by Joy.


Fanny Skylark
source: Deviantart/Norkto

Then there’s Fanny, be careful in the open especially in places with lots of walls, because Fanny can come quickly and kill you.

This Fanny only needs one stage to kill you, she will come with skill 2 about you then use her ultimate and you can die right then and there.


Saber mobile legends
Photo via Behance

Finally there is Saber, just hearing his name, the marksman and mage of your team must be terrified.

Because Saber’s killing ability is above average, even better than Fanny or other assassins. Just one attack, you can immediately die by Saber because it’s terrible.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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