The 3 Most Effective Paquito Counter Heroes, Auto Brown Paquito

You have to use the 3 most effective Paquito counter heroes this year, who are the three heroes? Listen well, spinners.

Paquito is one of the fighter heroes whose name is very popular in the current Mobile Legends scene, all thanks to the buff he received some time ago.

Generally, players like to use Paquito as a jungler because the benefits are very much.

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Now about that for those of you who have difficulty fighting this one fighter hero, here are 3 Paquito’s effective counter heroes.

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Martis Mobile Legends
Photo via pinterest

First there is Martis, having many cc skills allows Martis to easily counter Paquito who relies heavily on his skills.

When dealing with Martis, Paquito is guaranteed to be unable to do anything because from all sides everything is countered by Martis. Even Paquito had a hard time attacking this one hero.


Hero op fighter mobile legends
Photo via Wallpaper Cave

Want a barbarian fight? 100% Paquito will lose to Thamuz. Even Paquito’s skills did not come out maximally against Thamuz.

All of that because Thamuz’s lifesteal is so high, his cc skill from skill 1 is annoying and his ultimate makes Thamuz’s body immune. Thamuz is a hero that cannot be by1 in including when you use Paquito.


Hylos Mobile Legends

Finally, there is Hylos, of course for this one tank it is very commonly used to counter Paquito. Because Hylos himself is a natural counter for high mobility fighters like Paquito.

He has skill 1 in the form of an annoying stun plus skill 2 which can absorb the opponent’s blood and it is very difficult for melee heroes including this Paquito.

Those are the three most effective Paquito counter heroes to use, any additions?

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