This is the Main Cause of EVOS Esports Layoff Employees According to Donkey!

After a fairly wide circulation of information regarding the layoffs of employees carried out by EVOS Esportsthis is now a hot topic of discussion, especially the main cause of the policy.

The reason is that the former team employee, Karina Boenardi or Karboen, acknowledged that this was true.

Through the series of stories he uploaded on Instagram, EVOS Esports is known to have terminated the contracts of up to 20 more employees.

This of course made the public quite surprised about what caused the team to have to choose a fairly difficult path.


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Nimo TV Causes EVOS to lay off employees

EVOS Lay Off Employees
Photo via Esports ID

This issue itself only developed after the failure of EVOS Legends to secure a place in the MPL ID Season 10 playoffs,

Suddenly the fans assumed that this was the main cause of the layoffs that were obtained from the former team employee with the white tiger logo.

Unfortunately, the layoff of the employee turned out to have been carried out long before EVOS Legends was confirmed to fail to advance to the playoffs.

Until the end, Yurino”DonkeyThe son, who is a former team player, spoke about the reason why EVOS Esports terminated its employee contract.

It’s all because of Nimo TV,Donkey said to Luminaire.

The reason is, he explained that Nimo TV was able to sponsor an esports team with a fantastic number so that they left platform The streaming has had a big impact on EVOS Esports.

“Yeah, just imagine san, I heard that Nimo can sponsor a team, that’s one billion, that’s not a streamer’s salary deduction,” Donkey explained.

This is certainly inseparable from Nimo TV’s decision to change its business style so that it does not extend its partnership with EVOS Esports.

So, that is the main reason for EVOS Esports to lay off its employees which has gone viral recently according to Donkey.


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