Try Playing This Mobile Legends Hero Mage As Offlaner, Auto Win Lane

Dare to try a new meta or create a meta? Try playing this Mobile Legends hero mage op as an offlaner, then auto wins your lane.

Generally, the heroes with role mage are played by Mobile Legends players as midlaners or junglers, rarely are they suitable to be played in goldlane, let alone explaners.

But different from this one hero mage op Mobile Legends, which is suitable and strong to play as an offlaner.

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There is even a guarantee of auto win lane when you play it, because this hero mage really sucks but op, who is he?

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hero mage op mobile legends
Photo via ArtStation

Yep she is Nana, Nana herself is generally played by Mobile Legends players as a team or support midlaner.

All of Nana’s skills are very annoying, skills 2 and 3 are cc and damage while skill 1 is full damage, when you face Nana on the lane, be prepared to be overwhelmed.

Even clearing minions is difficult when in one lane with Nana, because Nana’s skill 2 can take out dolls and dolls can change our hero’s body.

Because of the annoying ability as well as the op, many players are trying a new meta by playing Nana in the offlaner.

The strongest hero mage
Photo via

The results are very good, all offlaner heroes are average melee types and all can be countered easily by Nana.

As a result, Nana can easily win lane alone, even though Nana is killed and in the alley she is still relaxed because she has 2 additional lives.

How about spinners, isn’t this Nana cool? What are you waiting for, try playing Nana as an offlaner and feel her dominating op ability.

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