3 Most Effective & Popular Items Penetrate Thick Tank Hero Defenses in MLBB

You must know that these 3 items are the most effective and popular in penetrating the thick tank hero defense in Mobile Legends Bang: Bang (MLBB).

There are so many who wonder what are the items in Mobile Legends that function to penetrate the defense or armor of thick tank heroes?

Regarding this, SPIN Esports has the answer, here are the 3 most effective and popular items used by players to penetrate the defense of thick tank heroes in MLBB.

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Demon Hunter Sword (DHS)


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First there is DHS, this item is generally used by marksman in Mobile Legends with a function to penetrate the thick blood of the opponent’s hero tank.

You can see how thick the opponent’s tank’s blood bar is, if it looks very thick then this DHS item must be used.

Malefic Roar

Malefic Roar

Unlike DHS, this Malefic Roar item serves to penetrate the thick armor of a tank hero obtained from an item.

Yep, with this item, no matter how thick the hero tank armor is, it will be able to penetrate easily.

Hunter Strike

Hunter Strike

Commonly used by assassin heroes, this Hunter Strike item has a really good function. Its function is the same as Malefic Roar, Hunter Strike can penetrate the opponent’s armor or physical defense.

So you could say this item must be in a game, either the goldlaner who bought it or the jungler.

Those are 3 anti-tank items in Mobile Legends that you should know and understand spinners.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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