3 Reasons Kagura deserves to be called the best mage in Mobile Legends

Do you agree that Kagura is the best mage in Mobile Legends? Here are 3 reasons why Kagura deserves to be called the best mage in Mobile Legends, note guys.

Kagura is the only hero mage whose ability according to SPIN Esports is equivalent to an assassin hero.

He has good mobility, very large damage plus immune skills make him look perfect as a hero mage.

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Regarding that, SPIN Esports has several reasons why Kagura should deserve to be called the best mage in Mobile Legends.

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Effectively Kill the Opponent’s Core

Hero mage marksman
Photo via Lona 0

Skill 1 Kagura is very deadly even this skill is very effective at killing the opponent’s core. When there is an opponent close to the skill 1 area, the opponent will die in an instant.

Exposed to Kagura’s deadly skill combo, he couldn’t even fight back.

High Mobility

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Photo via IG wasabeemochi

Skill 2 Kagura makes him have high mobility besides that skill 2 is also an immune skill.

Kagura’s distance to move is quite far using this skill so that for rotation, escaping or chasing opponents it is very easy for Kagura.

Have Immune Skills

Counter Julian mobile legends
Photo via Land of Dawn

The last reason is to have great immune skills, yep, if used with the right timing, skill 2 Kagura is immune from all types of cc, except Franco’s and Kaja’s cc.

Skill 2 Kagura will be able to avoid cc Eudora which is known to be deadly.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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