It’s easy to die when in a gang, don’t pick 3 Marksman OP Mobile Legends

You must know that these 3 marksman op Mobile Legends heroes are easily killed when in the opponent’s gang, not suitable to play, who are they?

Goldlaner is usually filled with strong and tough marksman heroes, this role is a guarantee for the team in the late game.

Therefore, goldlaners often have to accept ganking from their opponents. Now about that, SPIN Esports has a suggestion that you should never pick these 3 marksman heroes as goldlaners.

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Who are they and why shouldn’t they be picked as goldlaner? Here’s the answer for the SPIN Esports version.

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the strongest mm hero in mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

You could say Layla’s damage is quite large in the early to late game, but Layla’s poor mobility is very bad or even non-existent.

His opponents must have been targeting Layla since the early game and Layla won’t be able to do anything when she’s already in the gang.


Hanabi mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there is Hanabi, since the beginning of its release, Hanabi is not suitable to be played as a goldlaner. Even though it hurts quite a bit in the late game, in the early game Hanabi is very bad.

No damage, low mobility to poor defense. All of these things make Hanabi very easy to gank and be killed by her opponents in Goldlaner.


Miya full damage mobile legends
Photo via IG Anggita_arts

Finally, there is Miya, even though she has a good ultimate for retreating or attacking, but still Miya is easily targeted and defeated by her opponents.

Miya’s own damage is very small even though her defense and mobility are poor, just don’t pick this mm.

Those are 3 marksman op Mobile Legends heroes that should not be picked as goldlaners because on average they have no mobility and are easy to kill when hit by a gang.

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