The Most Effective Counter Atlas in Mobile Legends, Makes Him Auto Brown!

Atlas is now one of the tank heroes who is starting to become the most annoying hero in Mobile Legends because he is able to give CC effects even to five heroes at once so that the most effective counter is needed to overcome these heroes.

The reason is, Atlas’s ability will certainly change the course of the match so that players are often worried.

In addition, Atlas also has a very thick HP so that it is impossible for any hero to defeat the hero easily

Therefore, the following is a row of the best Atlas hero counters that have proven effective in Mobile Legends in season 26.

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Effective Diggie Counter Atlas

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One of the heroes who is a natural counter from Atlas is Diggie who is able to make ultimate Atlas’s is completely useless.

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The reason is by using time journey (ultimate) Diggie is able to eliminate all negative effects received by himself and his colleagues when within the reach of the ultimate hero.

This of course will make ultimate what Atlas put out would be wasted in vain.

Nana Makes Atlas Dizzy

Offlaner mobile legends
Photo via rosannemetz –

Besides Diggie, the next hero who is a terrible scourge for Atlas is Nana which is another cute hero who often becomes a stumbling block for the tank hero.

Nana herself is able to change Atlas’s form into Molina which of course makes Atlas unable to create momentum.

Also when in Molina form, Atlas will get a reduction movement speed by 50% and magic defense by 25%

Faramis Becomes a Specter for Atlas

Mobile legends haram heroes
Photo via Reddit

In anticipation of Atlas who would use ultimate his, Faramis can do back up using the ultimate.

This will certainly make him and his comrades not have to worry about follow up damage which will be given by the opposing heroes.

This strategy is certainly effective enough to make it difficult for Atlas to maximize his abilities.

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