BTR Markyyy Names One Goldlaner Most Opponent in Playoffs!

BTR Markyyy Names One Goldlaner Most Opponent in Playoffs!

Bigetron Alpha was successful in repatriating their rival Rebellion Zion on the first day of the MPL ID Season 10 playoffs. This made them advance to the upper bracket round and against ONIC Esports.

This will be a hot duel, especially after the match through a short media interview with the Bigetron Alpha team, BTR Markyyy revealed the Goldlaner name he most wanted to fight in the MPL ID Season 10 playoffs this time.

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Goldlaner Most Wanted to Be Against BTR Markyyy

“CW because he plays very well and is very strong in his lane,” said Markyyy briefly.

Indeed, in brackets, it is certain that they will meet today, October 20, 2022, at 18.30 WIB.

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It is interesting to watch for Markyyy Goldlaner from the Philippines to meet CW Goldlaner Indonesia, who is currently in the top performer, especially since he often brings ONIC Esports to the top of the standings.

Mechanically, both of them can be said to be equal and neither one is too superior, both of them can also be considered as Goldlaners who are macro-strong and often get objectives by still being able to farm even though they are under pressure.

Who will win between the two, moreover we see Markyyy getting here and showing his abilities and managed to get maximum results for his team.

We know the second hero pool is also quite wide because it can play with many Marksman or Mage heroes, such as Harith, Lylia and various others.

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