Point Arena is officially here, Be the first Gaming House in Bandung!

Point Arena is officially here, Be the first Gaming House in Bandung!

Pos Properti has once again developed a new business of property asset development, this time in the field of esports. In its project called “Point Arena”, this subsidiary of Pos Indonesia collaborates with RevivaLTV whose name is very well known as an activist. esports in Indonesia.

Point Arena itself is Gaming House or Gaming Hub first in Bandung which facilitates gamers to develop their potential in the world esports.

The Point Arena, which is located at Graha Pos Indonesia, was launched on Sunday, October 23, 2022, and also attended by President Director of Pos Indonesia Faizal R. Djoemadi, President Director of Pos Properti Indonesia Handriani Tjatur Setijowati (Wati), and CEO of RevivaLTV, Ahmad “Senz” Syahndy.

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The Mabar Place Is the Reason for Point Arena to be Launched

President Director of Pos Indonesia

Reason for doing it Gaming House because lately it has begun to be seen in several big cities, and has succeeded in attracting Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia as a place to have activities, hang out, and of course. good luck (play game together).

As a company that prioritizes development, esports in Indonesia, Pos Properti and RevivaLTV as the first originators of the idea for the development of Point Arena agreed to collaborate because they both share the same idea: they want to form a platform for development. esports in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung as the first location.

Besides being used for playing gamesPoint Arena also provides complete facilities for the community gaming, streaming, content creatorto the EO who wants to hold an event around gaming and others because there is an area stage or exhibition hall.

“Esports has now become a trend among Millennials and Gen Z. Esports has also become one of the sports in the world, including in Indonesia. Thanks to the increasing trend of esports, finally the seeds of athletes and esports business players are starting to grow.”

“That’s what inspired us to develop Point Arena with RevivaLTV. The hope is that Point Arena can become a place for esports development in Indonesia for anyone who wants to be involved in this world, from professional athletes to content creators in the world of esports,” said the President Director of PT Pos Properti Handriani Tjatur Setijowati.

Provide a Container for the Community Team

Point Arena 1

As grand launch First, Point Arena is equipped with various facilities and areas such as Streaming Area, Gaming Area, Training Room, Green Screen Area, and Exhibition Hall.

The consideration of this facility was deliberately held to support the teams esports growing community.

Training Room is room gaming devoted to a team or community doing exercises as if they were in gaming house professional.

Teams can also use the room for tournaments that will be held privately on line.

Don’t forget about Exhibition Hall which is in the middle of the Point Arena, with the function to carry out the tournament games for the community or maybe an official tournament in Bandung.

For those of you who want to be a streamers, Point Arena also provides a place for you to do live streamequipped with a PC with specifications gamingsuitable for PC games and games mobile.

Don’t like PC games or mobile? Point Arena also supports players console by providing Playstation filled with many favorite games.

Grand launch The event itself will be held on October 23, 2022, which is located at the Pos Indonesia Building, Bandung, West Java and is open to the public.

Come on, invite your friends from Bandung and enliven the opening gaming house first in Flower City.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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