3 Best Split Push Heroes in Mobile Legends

You must know these 3 best split push heroes in Mobile Legends, pick these heroes just in case when your team is not superior in war, who are they?

Split push or remote turret stealing strategy is often done by Mobile Legends players and this strategy is quite effective.

Especially when you use a special split push hero, like the 3 best heroes to carry out this strategy in Mobile Legends, who are they?

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Combo Mobile Legends
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First, of course, the king of split push is Sun, this Sun can even push the turret without the help of minions at all. He has a shadow that can help him push the turret.

So this split push strategy will work well when you use Sun.


Heroes turn off mobile legends
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Then there is Ling, besides being used as a killing machine, in fact Ling can also carry out a side task, namely split push.

When his team loses gold or experience, Ling can split push wherever he likes. His mobility from skill 1 really helps smooth things out.


Masha mobile legends
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Talking about split push, it’s incomplete if you don’t include Masha in the list, this hero is very fast in the push turret, he is also accompanied by high mobility.

So that his ability makes it easy for him to split push very effectively.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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