Johnson’s Most Powerful Counter Hero in Mobile Legends, Auto KO!

Johnson now it has become one of the forgotten heroes but it is quite difficult when the hero is used because it is able to give sudden attacks in Mobile Legends so that the most powerful hero counter is needed.

The reason is, he can crash into the opponent’s hero to give big damage as well as CC effects like stun and effects slow which really sucks.

This is certain to make his opponent very easy to kill, especially Johnson is also able to do this combo with other heroes when using the ultimate.

Therefore, the following is a row of Johnson’s most powerful counter heroes at this time in Mobile Legends.

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It’s an open secret when Grock is one of the heroes that is quite hated by Johnson.

The reason is, the hero is able to inhibit Johnson’s movement when he turns into a car so that it will make it difficult for him to hit the opponent’s hero.


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Ability immune owned by Chou of course there is no need to doubt because the hero is able to avoid various negative effects in Mobile Legends, one of which is Johnson.

By using his 2nd skill properly, he can stop Johnson’s pace without having to receive the CC effect.

However, you have to be able to use this skill correctly because one little bit of you will be killed by Johnson.


Hero Counter Johnson

It is undeniable that when Diggie become one of the most effective heroes to do counter against heroes who have high CC like Johnson.

Through Time Journey or ultimate, he is able to cancel the negative effects given by Johnson so that his partner will not be affected by CC.

So, that’s a row of heroes that are quite powerful in countering Johnson in Mobile Legends which of course you can practice right away, Spinners!

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