1 Way to Counter Gusion in Mobile Legends is the Most Effective 100%, Not Ban

You must know that there is one way to counter Gusion in Mobile Legends, the most effective 100% without having to get banned from in-game.

Gusion is a hero mage as well as an assassin who is currently on the rise in Mobile Legends, thanks to the revamp he got some time ago.

Now the hero has reappeared after a long time not being seen in the Mobile Legends meta game. Gusion now is very different from the Gusion before.

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Now Gusion’s damage is very large, especially in the early game and there is little revamp of his passive. Therefore, many players are fighting over this hero or just banned it when playing rank.

Regarding that, actually you don’t need to ban him in rank, because there is one effective way to counter Gusion 100% successfully, what is it?

Don’t Love Playing in the Early Game

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Photo via EnWallpaper

A very effective way to stop or counter 100% effective Gusion is not to let him play since the early game.

This is done by constantly rioting on his farming, bullying him all out when he is determined to dive using his 1st skill.

Or you can zigzag so you don’t get hit by the Gusion skill combo. The point is that your roamer and midlaner must follow Gusion’s movements and riot if there is a chance.

Hero op assassin mobile legends
Photo via EnWallpaper

Remember this Gusion even though his damage is now increasing but still when farming he takes a long time, Gusion relies heavily on his 2 skills for farming.

So when the skill has been issued, your opportunity to riot against him is very large, press his movement continuously in the early game, don’t even give him to play.

Because if Gusion had missed an item, he would have a hard time turning things around. That’s the most effective way to counter Gusion according to SPIN Esports.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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