Hero Roam Counter Estes and Tank Jungler in Mobile Legends!

Hero Roam Counter Estes and Tank Jungler in Mobile Legends!

There is one roam hero that turns out to be effective for the Estes meta counter and the jungler meta Tank in Mobile Legends.

This has been notified by the team from the Philippines, namely Echo when facing Blacklist International.

The use of this hero turned out to be able to block the effect of the meta paste power from the Blacklist and made it difficult for him to use his favorite hero. Can you guess the hero?

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Hero Roam Counter Estes

Mobile legends hero mages
Photo via DeviantArt

The hero is Valir, who was made a jungler by Echo’s roamer, Yawi. it is proven that the use of Valir + Necklace of Durance is effective in countering meta heal or the use of Estes with meta paste with Tanks.

Indeed, Valir really likes fighting heroes with minimal blinking and sticking because skill 1 and skill 2 will of course be able to get hit easily.

Especially if you have activated Ultimate, the damage and AoE are greater and easier to hit the opponent.

Very suitable for use against Tank heroes attached to their roamers such as Akai, Barats.

We also know that these heroes are often used by Blacklist International as junglers because Wise likes to use these heroes.

So, you already know, roam heroes for Estes counters and thick junglers you can use Valir, especially now that this hero is getting an MLBB collaboration skin with Saint Seiya, don’t miss it.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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