This Role is the Most Difficult to Play When Solo Rank Mobile Legends

You must know that this role is the most difficult role to play when solo ranking in Mobile Legends, prepare your mental and mechanics.

Of the 5 roles in Mobile Legends, there is only one that is the most difficult to play when solo ranking Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports.

However, even though it is difficult, there are many players who fight for this role, even though they know the risk is very big.

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What is this role and why do we call it the most difficult to play when solo ranking Mobile Legends?


Hero Goldlaner MPL

The most difficult role to play when the solo rank is goldlaner. This role is usually filled by marksman heroes or team attack guarantee heroes in the late game.

Why do we say that this role is difficult to play for solo rank platers because anyone who plays the goldlaner role in the team will be the main target of the opposing team.

You will be targeted continuously from the early to the late game, the goal is to make those of you who play this role not quickly become an item and are already feeders in the early game.

Play Safe Goldlaner

Now, because of this solo rank, we don’t know the gameplay of our 4 teammates, it could be that they don’t understand at all that we are the target of the opponent.

They may be late in covering or not covering at all even though they should be aware that the late game guarantee is with us.

Because this difficult communication when solo ranking in MLBB makes the goldlaner role the most difficult role to play, you are lucky if you meet players who understand and continue to cover you throughout the game.

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