3 Reasons Why Claude Is Better To Wear The Support Emblem!

3 Reasons Why Claude Is Better To Wear The Support Emblem!

After getting the adjustment, Claude is now one of the marksman heroes that is starting to be used quite often in Mobile Legends.

Interestingly, some players do a lot of variations for the hero both in terms of items and the emblems they use.

One of them is by using a support emblem that may often be displayed in the Mobile Legends competitive scene.

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Therefore, here are three reasons why Claude is more suitable to use the support emblem compared to other emblems in Mobile Legends.

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Movement Speed ​​Increase

Claude Mobile Legends
source: Mobile Legends

Claude is the most agile marksman hero in Mobile Legends thanks to his passive as well as 2nd and ultimate skills.

When his stack reaches max, Claude gets an upgrade movement speed as well as attack speed hers that was hard to contain.

By using the support emblem, of course he will increase his mobility again to make it very difficult to stop.

Emblem Support Makes Claude Rich Quickly

Claude Emblem Support
Photo via Mobile Legends

The biggest expectation that is expected of a goldlaner is for the hero who occupies that role to quickly get a lot of gold and then become the main damage dealer.

With the Avarice talent, later Claude will get an extra 10 gold when dealing damage to the opponent’s hero with a maximum of 1200 gold that can be obtained.

Have Endurance in Early Game

source: Mobile Legends

One of Claude’s main weaknesses is that this hero relies heavily on late game to maximize their abilities.

Emblem support can certainly be the best option for Claude so that the hero has a pretty good endurance in the game early game.

The emblem will certainly provide a bonus HP and hybrid regen that makes HP and mana quite stable.

So, those are the three reasons why Claude is very suitable to use the support emblem in Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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