New to Meta, Faramis Will Get Big Nerf Soon!
It’s a shame for the Mage/Support Faramis hero who just entered the meta after getting a revamp in June 2022.
He should get a big nerf in the next patch (possibly November) which could see him lose his place in the current meta.
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Faramis Big Nerf

Skill 1
Cooldown reduced from 18 seconds to 15 seconds
Skill 2
Initial Damage increased from 300-450 + 108% Magic Power to 330-480 + 144% Magic Power
New Effect: Teammates who leave the Nether Realm area will no longer get the Ultimate Faramis effect
You could say the other two skills are indeed buffed but the Ultimate gets a severe nerf. His Ultimate will no longer have effect when teammates move away from Faramis or don’t enter his Ultimate area.
More or less the same as the previous Ultimate before the revamp but slightly better in terms of mobility because it can move.
You could say the function will not be much different from Faramis before the nerf, the difference is that it can be activated before a friend’s hero dies.
It’s a shame even though we think Faramis is quite balanced and not too OP especially before his skills have been nerfed.
Indeed, there is a little buff, but the reduction for the Ultimate is very impactful for future performance.
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