Mobile Legends Redeem Code October 31, 2022, Hurry Up!
Entering the end of October 2022, Moonton will finally return to distribute various free gifts via redeem codes Mobile Legends (ML) October 31, 2022 edition.
There are some free items that will of course be distributed for free through a series of redeem codes so that players don’t need to spend any money.
With the redeem code, you also have the opportunity to win prizes in the form of diamonds, skins and various other in-game items.
Cheap MLBB Diamonds
For today, the ML redeem codes that you can get on October 31, 2022 are the codes available in the following article.
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Mobile Legends Redeem Code October 31, 2022

After a long wait, ML will now share up to 5 free redeem codes that you can use easily.
Without further ado, here are a series of special ML redeem codes for October 31, 2022 which are certainly proven valid 100% can be used by SPIN Esports.
- dmpm2zbfk
- 9memmtbfk
- n3v8y5bfk
- ekdyjq6xpk8r22jnb
- rfsmsttmtdz222jn6
The unique code of course has a usage limit so that if later you fail to make an exchange, it can be ascertained that the code above has reached the usage limit.
How to Use ML Redeem Code
To use the redeem code above, here are the steps you need to do:
- Visit the official redeem website from Mobile Legends by clicking the link below:
- Fill in the code that has been obtained and your Mobile Legends ID to later get a number verification message in the in-game mail
- Enter the verification code into the Code Verification tab
- Click Redeem
By ensuring that you get various attractive prizes, of course, don’t miss out on exchanging the code, Spinners.
So, that’s the latest redeem code given for free by the special edition Mobile Legends October 31, 2022.
Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for the latest updates on other Mobile Legends news and also follow our Instagram and Youtube