This Marksman Hero is back as a Jungler in Mobile Legends, who is he?

You must know that this marksman hero is back to being a jungler in Mobile Legends, so the players’ favorite again, who is this hero?

After many seasons have disappeared from the game meta, now the marksman hero with the easiest mechanics but very opaque to be made a jungler is back in the meta.

Of course, a little buff from Moonton against the hero that came some time ago was the reason why he was popular again and even became a bone of contention for players again.

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So who exactly is the marksman hero in Mobile Legends who is the best jungler?


Revamp Granger ML
source: Khaila Diaz

Surely many of you have guessed and answered correctly that Granger is the hero in question, of course the answer is Granger.

Granger itself is one of the marksman heroes that can’t be played in Goldlane, this marksman hero must really be played in the jungler.

Because Granger’s ability in the jungler is much better than when he was played as a goldlaner. When Granger becomes a goldlaner this hero is very easy to counter and the damage incurred is very small.

Granger ML buff
Photo via Pinterest

It’s much different when you play Granger in the jungler, he will be very overpowered and difficult on the counter. It takes at least 2 defense items to withstand Granger jungler attacks.

Actually Granger jungler itself has been meta since a few seasons ago, but because there was a severe nerf from Moonton made this hero sink again from the game meta.

But now his name is back in the meta after getting a significant buff from Moonton.

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