Want to Play Mid? Then You Must Master These 3 Hero Mage OP Mobile Legends

Do you want to play role midlaner? SPIN Esports will help you by suggesting 3 mage op heroes in Mobile Legends that must be mastered, if you want to play the midlaner role.

The midlaner role is a favorite role for Mobile Legends players, because playing this role is quite easy. You just need spam skills and play it safe.

Regarding that, there are several midlaner heroes or mage op heroes in Mobile Legends that must be mastered for those of you who want to learn to play mid or want to explore this role, who are they?

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Can be played as a jungler or midlaner is Harley’s advantage. Moreover, Harley is also the counter for marksman in Mobile Legends.

So you really have to master this hero if you want to play mage and get lots of kills.


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Then there’s Lunox, why do we recommend Lunox? Because Lunox is the only mage who can destroy the opponent’s defense easily in seconds.

No mage can do something like this, only Lunox can make any thick hero into crackers with his combo skill.


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The last is the mage whose law is very mandatory to be mastered, namely Kagura. Kagura itself is a mage with quite difficult gameplay.

But when you have mastered it then you will realize the terrible ability that Kagura has. He is the counter for marksman and other long-range core heroes.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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