The Reason You Really Must Try Leomord Jungler in Mobile Legends

Here are some reasons why you really have to try playing Leomord jungler in Mobile Legends, very strong spinners.

Leomord is one of the hottest heroes in the Mobile Legends scene recently, his name has risen again after getting a buff in the new patch yesterday.

But the emergence of Leomord back to the surface now threatens jungler heroes because he is more suitable to be played by junglers at this time.

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And for those of you who haven’t tried Leomord jungler, you should know some reasons why you must meta Leomord jungler in Mobile Legends.

Fast Farming


Fast farming is the main reason why you must try playing Leomord jungler, just like when you play Akai jungler the effectiveness of Leomord farming is also very good.

And of course when farming is fast it makes Leomord easy to rotate wherever he likes.

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Good Mobility

Hero Offlaner mobile legends
Photo via Svitlana Kolachinska

His 2nd skill that can dash very far makes Leomord’s mobility good. Leomord can easily rotate wherever he likes.

He will not be late for war, he can even riot from a distance with his ultimate.

Marksman’s Counter

Photo via Pinterest

The last reason is that Leomord is the counter for marksman heroes in Mobile Legends, no matter what marksman heroes are at this time.

He can easily defeat him, even in one combo attack Leomord can kill marksman heroes.

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