This Hero is Effective 100% Counter Aldous 500 Stack

Did you know that this Mobile Legends op hero is 100% effective counter Aldous 500 stack, who is the hero and how does he counter Aldous full stack?

As we know that Aldous is the core hero with the highest damage among all Mobile Legends heroes.

The fuller the stack, the higher the damage produced by Aldous from his 1st skill. Aldous’ stack itself is maximally full at 500 stacks, which when Aldous touches that number the damage produced is no joke.

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Even the hero tank was made crackers by Aldous, because his damage penetrated the opponent’s defense. Regarding that, there is one hero who effectively counters Aldous 500 stack, who is he?


Franco mobile legends
Photo via Reddit

The hero is Franco, Franco is a tank hero who can counter all heroes in Mobile Legends. Whatever the op, the hero can be countered by Franco easily.

All of that thanks to Franco’s 3rd skill which is full crowd control, it can’t be canceled unless Franco is reversed by the opponent.

Therefore Aldous who fights from close range can be countered by Franco very easily. No matter how full the stack is, Aldous will be overwhelmed by Franco.

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Mobile legends strongest tank hero
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Even because of this Franco was also able to protect his teammates from Aldous’s target. When Aldous approached with his ultimate, Franco immediately prepared to use his ultimate.

It is guaranteed that Aldous no matter how many stacks he thinks about when he wants to attack his opponent, but there is Franco.

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