#StandWithMeyden echoed by BTR Esports, What’s Up?

#StandWithMeyden echoed by BTR Esports, What’s Up?

Bigetron or BTR recently issued a pretty surprising post with the hashtag #StandWithMeyden.

We know that Meyden is a player from BTR for the Mobile Legends ladies scene, he is also the girlfriend of one of the BTR Alpha players, BTR Kyy.

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How did Bigetron Esports finally issue a hashtag like that with a quite touching caption.

Stay strong, Meyden!
We’re always here for you❤️


Cheap MLBB Diamonds

That’s roughly what the caption for Bigetron Esports’ latest Instagram post is.

Then what happened to make the hashtag echoed by the team nicknamed the Red Robot?

Alleged Cause of #StandWithMeyden echoed

It’s not clear what the exact cause of the #StandWithMeyden echo is. However, seeing some netizen comments, it is possible that it is related to Deddy Corbuzier’s latest podcast with Agung Karmalogy.

source: ig @bigetronesports
source: ig @bigetronesports

It is not certain whether it is true that the podcast is the cause of the hashtag being echoed by the Bigetron Esports team.

You might be able to check for yourself on Deddy Corbuzeir’s latest podcast at minute 34 which was mentioned by many netizens to investigate further regarding the cause.

We also need to find out further and ask the person concerned, namely BTR Meyden, what really happened.

Hopefully BTR Meyden can be strong in facing the problems that he might be facing right now. Stay Strong Meyden!

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Source: dailyspin.id

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