Can Solo Rank Achieve Mythical Glory in Mobile Legends?

Many are wondering whether solo rank can achieve Mythical Glory in Mobile Legends? Check out the SPIN version of the answer!

Mythical Glory is the highest rank in Mobile Legends and of course all players have the same goal, which is to reach that rank.

Including solo players, many targeted Mythical Glory as their goal even though it seemed impossible if they were solo ranked.

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Then can you still play solo rank to achieve Mythical Glory in Mobile Legends? Even if it seems impossible?

Yes, as long as…

Rank glory mobile legends

The answer is, of course, you can go to Mythical Glory even if you are solo rank, as long as you really have to pay attention to these things and do your best.

First, of course, you have to master many roles, at least 3 roles that you must master and from these 3 roles there must be at least 3 different heroes that must be mastered.

Because this is the essence of everything, it’s useless for you to be good at one or two Mobile Legends heroes. So what if the hero is banned, picked up first by the opponent?

Surely you are the ones who are confused and in the end just pick a hero. You have to avoid things like that, so mastering 3 heroes in 3 different roles is very important to launch a solo rank.

Solo rank mobile legends

Second, you have to be more patient, because solo rank randomly gets teammates, so it can’t guarantee that you can win easily and rank up just like that, especially at low ranks.

Patience and mastering many roles and heroes are important keys for solo rank to reach Mythical Glory.

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