Tower FF Token Will Be Released Again in November 2022, Prizes for Evo Drachen Fist Skin!

Tower FF Token Will Be Released Again in November 2022, Prizes for Evo Drachen Fist Skin!

Fist Skin is actually a feature that makes a Free Fire (FF) player’s fist look cooler than a plain fist. This item is increasingly being used and can add punch damage when you are pressured to use it.

So, in the edition of the FFWS 2022 event, Bangkok Free Fire will provide a special skin for Fist Skin later, which is the first skin evolution series for boxing skins.

Later, this edition of boxing skin can change color and appearance according to the level. And one other thing that attracts attention is that this Fist skin evolution has a special edition look to welcome FFWS 2022 Bangkok which will be held at the end of November 2022.

So, the arrival of this skin has been confirmed to be present in an event that is quite complicated. Especially if it’s not the Token Tower, which is often known as the “unlawful” spin event.

For those of you who want to know more about Token Tower FF November 2022 with the Evo Drachen Fist skin prize, let’s take a look at the following information!

Also Read: How to Use the 2022 Free FF Diamond Generating Site Earnator, Is it Safe?

Token Tower FF November 2022

Rido Odiri confirmed the emergence of an old event via Arido’s YouTube channel. GM Rido Odiri leaked that this event will bring the first skin evolution for boxing in Free Fire entitled Evo Drachen Fist.

This event is an event that requires diamonds to spin to get tokens so they can be exchanged for the main prize.

Here’s how you can follow to spin the event:

  • 1x spin costs 19 diamonds, while 5x spins costs 79 diamonds.
  • Do a spin to get tokens.
  • Tokens can be exchanged for other prizes such as Bundles and Vouchers.
  • The Evo Drachen Fist main prize can be exchanged for 3x tokens

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee how many spins are needed to get the main prize. Chances are you can spend a lot of diamonds for this cool Fist Skin, Spinners!

Even though it’s quite expensive, you also have the opportunity to get other cool prizes such as the Galaxy FFWS bundle and vouchers.

So, please prepare your diamonds in advance and wait for the official event date with the main prize Evo Fist Skin in the Token Tower event FFWS 2022 which will be present at Free Fire!

Also read: How to buy FFWS Galaxy Hyperbook FF, can you pre-order before release?

That’s a little leak about cool skins that will be coming soon at Free Fire. Don’t forget to visit SPIN Website for other recent updates, and follow Instagram and YouTube our.


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