Next Legacy Incubator FF Leaks That Will Come After M60 Tomorrow!

Next Legacy Incubator FF Leaks That Will Come After M60 Tomorrow!

Incubator is indeed one of the most interesting skins in Free Fire (FF). The reason is, this skin makes Spinners feel the sensation of using exclusive bundles and gun skins!

For gun skins, the Incubator series is always present in a special place for fans of cool skins at Free Fire. So, it’s no wonder that many players are waiting for his arrival.

Recently, we have the arrival of the Synthetic Angel bundle as the newest Incubator, where there are 3 pairs of Incubator bundles at once in one release.

Meanwhile the Legacy Incubator M60 gun skin is also still available, and this Incubator will end in the near future, its role will be replaced with the newest skin.

If you want to know the leaks of the next Legacy Incubator FF gun skin that will be coming after tomorrow’s M60, let’s take a look at the following information!

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The FF Incubator That Will Come After M60

According to YouTube Arido, an old gun skin will fill in or replace the role of the Incubator M60 Mythos which is currently still available on Free Fire.

The Gun Skin is an SMG type weapon skin titled MP5 Fatal Snarl with the theme of four cool skins with a design made of hot lava flows from a volcano.

Players will be offered 4 types of Gun Skins with different weapon looks and statistics, all of which will be present and can be obtained by players in the Luck Royale Incubator starting tomorrow, November 21, 2022.

Each MP5 Fatal Snarl gun skin has a different appearance and weapon stats. Here are the looks and stats:

MP5 Rogue Lava

  • Rate of Fire (++)
  • Range (+)
  • Reload Speed ​​(-)

MP5 Frozen Lava

  • damage(++)
  • Accuracy (+)
  • Magazines (-)

MP5 Meta Lava

  • Armor Penetration (++)
  • damage(+)
  • Movement Speed ​​(-)

MP5 Jungle Lava

  • Range (++)
  • Magazines (+)
  • Reload Speed ​​(-)

Also Read: How to Use the 2022 Free FF Diamond Generating Site Earnator, Is it Safe?

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