After being buffed, this hero becomes a strong jungler in Mobile Legends!

After being buffed, this hero becomes a strong jungler in Mobile Legends!

Talking about buffs and being a strong jungler, you might think of Martis. Indeed, Martis is quite strong and popular to be used as a jungler for the current meta. But this time it’s not the hero that we will discuss.

This hero is an underrated hero who has actually been buffed in previous patches.

READ ALSO: This Tank Hero Will Get Thicker and Sick After Buffing!

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Alice Becomes a Strong Jungler According to Oura

Ban hero mobile legends
Photo via Wallpaper Cave

In his latest YouTube video, Oura, the owner of the GPX Esports team who was also a pro player, revealed that Alice is a strong jungler for the current meta.

No longer being an explaner or goldlaner, he can use jungle emblems and get stacks for his passive pretty quickly.

There has indeed been a change in his passive where he is now

A statement was also made by Oura about this jungler Alice.

“It’s really scary, Alice jungler is really good, I swear,” said Oura.

Those who want to try it can follow the following build recommendations from Oura.

Build Alice Ala Oura

Build Alice Oura
source: YT Oura Gaming
  • Demon Shoes (Ice Retribution)
  • Clock of Destiny
  • Enhanced Talisman
  • Guardian Helmet
  • Dominance Ice
  • Other Item Defense, can Winter Truncheon

Alice needs a large enough mana to be able to continue using skills so items such as the Clock of Destiny, Enhanced Talisman are two items that must be made at the beginning.

Not to mention because the bigger the mana, the greater the damage it will produce, so these two items are perfect for Alice.

To increase durability, you can make defense items for the last three items such as Guardian Helmet, Dominance Ice, Winter Trucheon and others depending on your opponent.

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