OhMyV33nus’ Response Regarding RRQ R7’s Desire One Team!

OhMyV33nus’ Response Regarding RRQ R7’s Desire One Team!

RRQ R7 recently expressed his desire via Instagram MLBB Esports for a team with OhMyV33nus because of his admiration for Vyn who is the Shoutcaller on the RRQ Hoshi team.

We know that on the International Blacklist OhMyV33nus plays the roamer role and is a shoutcaller for his team.

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Regarding RRQ R7’s wishes, OhMyV33nus recently gave a response and response regarding this matter.

“R7 wants to be on a team with me? Where does he talk about that? I think I know why R7 wants me to be his teammate, because he also played Ni No Kuni, he played a lot there. We also replied to messages on Instagram, until we met R7 and his partner, I was surprised to see them playing strong in the game (Ni No Kuni),” said OhMyV33nus.

It turned out that OhMyV33nus and R7 exchanged messages on Instagram because they also played the same game.

He thought that the reason R7 wanted to team up with him was because of that. He is also very close to R7 and his partner as they often meet in those games and OhMyV33nus admits they are very strong.

It will be interesting to wait, will the desire of the two of them for one team come true? Will R7 go to Blacklist International, or will OhMyV33nus go to RRQ Hoshi?

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Source: dailyspin.id

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