After a Long Time Layla Finally Gets Buff, So Are You More OP?

After a Long Time Layla Finally Gets Buff, So Are You More OP?

On the latest advanced server patch, the old Marksman hero Layla finally gets a buff from Moonton.

This is of course good news for this one hero because after a long time Layla’s revamp has not been buffed again.

It seems that the wait will soon be carried out on the new patch in December 2022.

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Latest Layla Buffs

Buff Layla
source: YT VY Gaming

Skill 1

  • Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 6-4 seconds
  • Using Hit will also increased the usage range of his Skill 2


  • Increase Damage based on distance reduced from 100-140% to 100-135%

You could say that in the late game Layla can spam skill 1 more often and can also attack skill 2 at a safer distance.

Even though the compensation is a slight reduction for his passive by 5% in the late game.

We think this slightly improves Layla’s performance to use, although it doesn’t guarantee that this hero will be strong for meta rank or tournaments.

Because Layla is really easy to target because of her lack of escape skills except for additional movement speed from skill 1 and Battle spells, both Sprint and Flicker.

If so, what do you think? Will Layla be able to enter the meta like other Epic Marksman heroes like Lesley and Miya?

READ ALSO: Not a Hero Marksman, Here’s the Latest 2022 MLBB Legend Skin Leaks!

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