January 2023 MLBB Skin Collector Leaks, For This Fighter Hero!

January 2023 MLBB Skin Collector Leaks, For This Fighter Hero!

After there is no Collector skin in December 2022 due to the new system for Collector skins which will be available for 2 months to maximize the effect given.

Apart from that, many skins have been released, such as The Aspirants (December), Exorcist (October).

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Towards January 2023, there has been a leak for the January 2023 MLBB Collector skin for this Fighter hero.

Dyrroth Will Get MLBB Skin Collector January 2023

January skin collectors
source: YT Ace Unyil Official Gaming

The lucky hero is Dyrroth, a Fighter hero who has been quite popular lately. Even though there are some heroes like Leomord (will get the Abyss skin) and Martis who are also quite popular.

You can see the appearance above, so the certainty of the Collector Dyrroth skin for release is very high.

Moreover, there are already reward options for Collectors, namely Harley and Ling. You can also get both of them if you’re not a Dyrroth user or you prefer Collector skins from the two heroes who are resale for Collectors.

Talking about appearance, Dyrroth’s skin will be very scary and we think it’s very good for the skill effect because the theme that is obtained is very rare, namely the devil.

You can get the Dyrroth Collector skin through the Grand Collection event in early January 2023 (the date has not been confirmed).

Dyrroth users must wait for this cool skin because it’s very rare, of course, until now for Dyrroth to get high-label skins. Apart from KOF which has been around for quite some time and is Dyrroth’s first skin, of course Dyrroth doesn’t yet have a high-label skin.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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