Joy Finally Gets Nerf From Mobile Legends, So Weak?

It is undeniable that Joy is now the deadliest hero in Mobile Legends with her abilities.

The reason is, after the official release of this hero, he immediately became the strongest hero currently in the Land of Dawn.

This hero has very high mobility as well as very painful damage.

Until finally Moonton realized this and would give a big nerf to him patch updates Upcoming Mobile Legends.

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Joy Becomes A Little Weak in Mobile Legends

Joy Mobile Legends
Photo via MLU

After becoming a very terrible hero in Mobile Legends at the moment, Joy is sure to be a little weak on patch updates January 2023.

This hero will receive a significant nerf to some of the skills he has.

With that said, here are the nerfs Joy will get in the upcoming MLBB update.


  • The original Base Shield 300 will be 200

Skills 2

  • The original cooldown 8-6 seconds will be 10-8 seconds by level.

With this nerf, it is hoped that Joy will become more balanced in ML considering that this hero is quite strong.

In addition, the passive that gets changed will make the hero not have the formidable durability as before.

Making it sad again, Joy also gets an increased duration cooldown for his 2nd skill which will make it difficult for him to activate his ultimate.

So, that’s the big nerf that Joy will get in the upcoming Mobile Legends update.

READ ALSO: Complete Information on Reset Season 26 MLBB, Skin Season, ETC

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