The trick to getting a Skin Collector at the Aspirants Unite Event, 100% Works?

The trick to getting a Skin Collector at the Aspirants Unite Event, 100% Works?

Lately there have been many tricks circulating where you can get Collector skins from the ongoing The Aspirants Unite event.

The Aspirants Unite event quest already exists where with a top-up you can get lots of free skins that you don’t have through this event.

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10x Draw Definitely Get Skin Collector?

This theory is proven by one of the content creators where out of the 10 accounts he gachac drew 10x, only 3x were proven to get Collector skins.

So, it can be concluded that this theory is not 100% successful and is still based on the luck that you have. If you’re lucky, of course you can get a Collector skin when gacha at Aspirants Unite.

We also tried it and it turned out that we only got Zhask’s Epic Limited skin “Bone Flamen” not the Collector’s skin.

Having All Epic Skins Guaranteed to Get Skin Collector

Gameplay and Release Date of Skin Collector Benedetta Mobile Legends

However, you can be sure that you will get a Collector skin provided that you own all Epic skins, either Shop or Limited, in the prize pool. Because the 10x draw ensures that you get Epic skins and above that you don’t have yet. So, by having all the Epic skins in the prize pool you will definitely get one of the Collector’s skins in the prize pool between Benedetta, Valir, Gusion or Yu Zhong.

Indeed, The Aspirants Unite event is one of the best events because many players can get Limited skins through this event. If you’re lucky, of course you can get the Collector skin in the prize pool in the first 10 draws.

READ ALSO: Fragment Shop Update for December 2022 Mobile Legends, There’s Layla’s Skin!

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