3 OP Heroes in Mobile Legends Who Can Kill at Epic Ranks

You should know that there are 3 op heroes in Mobile Legends who can slaughter in the epic rank of Mobile Legends, who are they?

Still stuck at Epic Mobile Legends rank? Relax spinners, SPIN Esports has recommendations for heroes who can slay opponents at that rank.

Our recommended op hero is very strong and can survive in any condition, so it is suitable for those of you who are pushing hard at the epic rank of Mobile Legends.

READ ALSO: This Assassin Hero is in the Upper Tier Among Other Assassins

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The first is of course Martis, a hero who is currently on the rise because of his immense damage. Even Martis is able to kill all the opposing heroes simultaneously alone.


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Don’t be afraid to fight against Lesley, Wanwan or other marksman. Because this marksman is stronger than all of them.

Yep he is Bruno, only needing 1 skill Bruno can easily beat anyone in front of him, because his burst damage is very high.

Bruno is a typical barbaric marksman but very deadly, especially in the epic rank of Mobile Legends.


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Lastly, there is Gusion, if you are still at an epic rank then this one assassin can easily help you auto win at that rank.

Gusion’s burst damage is very high, gameplay is quite easy to play, mobility is really good and most importantly all Mobile Legends heroes can be defeated easily by Gusion, making this one assassin you must pick at epic to slaughter.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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