Hero Marksman Mobile Legends is Back OP, Auto Win Pick This Hero

Did you know that the marksman/mage hero in Mobile Legends is back in op, if you want auto win in rank then just pick this one hero.

There is a marksman or mage hero who is currently on the rise in the Mobile Legends scene. This hero is a favorite hero of players for a long time.

However, he has been missing from the meta game for a long time after getting a big nerf at the time, but now the marksman hero is back on the surface.

The melee meta hero that is currently popular is the reason why this marksman/mage hero is relied on again, who is the op hero?

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Hero marksman op
Photo via Pinterest

Yep, the hero we’re talking about is Kimmy. Kimmy herself is a marksman or mage type hero.

He is one of the heroes that can be played with two different types of builds, namely physical damage and magical damage depending on the player who uses it.

However, the average player prefers to play Kimmy with full magic damage items because the damage feels more painful than physical.

Apart from that, Kimmy’s name has returned to the surface again, spinners, many more players are happy to use it and Kimmy appears to dominate the current meta game.

Hero marksman mobile legends
Photo via Rizky Mubarok

Just imagine op heroes like Martis, Leomord, Lesley and so on can be easily countered by Kimmy. Because he can attack while walking.

His abilities are so terrifying in the current Mobile Legends meta that he can easily surface.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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