These 2 OP Assassin Heroes Can Make A Very Deadly Combo

You should know that these two assassin op heroes in Mobile Legends can make a very deadly combo, if they are put together.

Generally, every draft pick takes place, most players only pick one assassin hero for their team.

And usually the assassin hero is played as a jungler. But what if there are two assassin heroes in one team? Surely you think that the gameplay will be incomplete.

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But the facts are wrong, here are two assassin op heroes who have deadly combos when combined in the same team, who are the two Mobile Legends heroes?

Natalia x Julian

Hero Assassin op

The two heroes are Natalia and Julian, both are cold-blooded assassin heroes, capable of defeating anyone in the blink of an eye.

Just imagine if they are in combos throughout the match, then both of them will be very deadly, especially for the opponent’s core heroes.

The combo that the two of them can produce is a silent combo and high burst damage, where Natalia has annoying silent, while Julian has very high burst damage.

So if the two of them come together, they can produce a very deadly combo. The two of them can perform combos smoothly if Natalia plays as a roamer while Julian plays as a midlaner.

Counter Julian
Photo via Novazenn

None of them play junglers, so only mid and roamers, so that their combos will run smoothly and be feared by opponents throughout the game.

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