Indonesia Becomes Overall Champion of IESF 2022, Sets Fantastic Record!

Indonesia Becomes Overall Champion of IESF 2022, Sets Fantastic Record!

Indonesia Esports Summit 2022, the world’s biggest esports event so far this year, officially closes with a proud record for Indonesia.

At events that combine concepts sports tourism and sporty Indonesia has successfully achieved this overall championship title at the 14th IESF World Esports Championship which is one of the main agendas.

The General Champion was pinned on Indonesia thanks to its success in winning 3 gold medalseach from DOTA 2, eFootball and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) numbers, as well as 1 bronze medal from CS:GO Women.

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Ketum PBESI Happy Indonesia Wins IESF 2022

Indonesia Wins IESF 2022
Photo via PBESI

Chief Executive of the Indonesian Esports Association (PB ESI) Bambang Sunarwibowo in his remarks expressed his gratitude and joy for the successful holding of the 2022 Indonesia Esports Summit.

For two weeks, the Indonesia Esports Summit which consists of high-level conferences, a series of interesting discussions about hot issues in the esports industry, the Para Esports Exhibition, and the IESF 14 Esports World Championshipth The 2022 World Esports Championships has become a big festival for the esports community in Indonesia and the world.”

“Through this event, we hope that the wider community, the world of education, and various industrial sectors will better understand the true face and potential of esports.” said PB ESI Daily Chairperson Bambang Sunarwibowo.

Regarding the proud achievement of the Indonesian Esports National Team in becoming the General Champion at the 14th Esports World Championship in Bali, Bambang sees it as a very positive thing for the development and achievements of Indonesian esports in the future.

“What the National Team has achieved is thanks to unyielding hard work, discipline and perseverance in preparing to present the best performance for the nation and the country. This is inspiration and at the same time motivation from the world of esports in the country for all the nation’s children to have the same passion in achieving the highest achievements in the field they are engaged in,he said.

The three gold medals that Indonesia won were thanks to the unyielding struggle of the National Team number DOTA 2, eFootball, and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB).

Indonesia Wins IESF 2022 5
Photo via PBESI

The DOTA 2 national team consisting of Randy “Dreamocel” Muhammad Sapoetra, Rafli “Mikoto” Fathurrahman, Syaid “Womy” Muhammad Resky, Tri “Jhocam” Kuncoro, Matthew “Whitemon” Filemon, and Brizio “Hyde” Adiputra Budiana won gold, successfully establishing himself as world champion after a dramatic victory over the strong team of the Philippines with a score of 3-2. The slick performance also earned Mikoto the MVP title.

The second gold was donated by eFootball athlete Ega Cahya Putra who performed brilliantly against a tough eFootball athlete from Argentina.

source: Garudaku

While the third gold was presented by the IESF Indonesia MLBB National Team consisting of Rachmad “DreamS” Wahyudi, Dalvin “Hijume” Ramadhana Putra, Rizqi “Saykots” Awandi Iskandar, Darrell “Tazz” Jovanco Wijaya, Adriansyah “Clawkun” Baihaqi Lesmana, and Jabran “Branz “Well done Wiloko.

One bronze medal was donated by the CS:GO Women’s National Team consisting of Dhammamitta Marvella, Aulia Brilian Putri HAC, July Kusuma, Risalma Agnia, and Daltha Amelia Dwiguna.

MURI record for Indonesia Esports Summit 2022

The 2022 Indonesia Esports Summit event also set a new record for the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI). There are 3 (three) MURI records for this event:

  1. Esports World Championship with Most Participants from International Countries (105 Countries)
  2. Largest Outdoor Esports World Championship (9.2 Hectares)
  3. Most Offline Esports Matches in One Day (164 Matches)

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