This is the Free Exp M4 Pass You Can Get from the MLBB Event!

This is the Free Exp M4 Pass You Can Get from the MLBB Event!

Continuing from the previous discussion on where you can or can’t get the Prime version of the M4 Beatrix skin without removing diamonds, here we will explain more about the amount of Exp from the M4 Pass that you can get for free.

You need Exp M4 Pass to increase your M4 Pass level so you can claim prizes.

Without buying the M4 Pass you can also get prizes labeled Free or Free.

Cheap MLBB Diamonds

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But of course by buying the M4 Pass besides the Beatrix M4 skin, you can get lots of additional prizes, one of which is the Prime version of the M4 Beatrix skin. You can get this skin when your M4 pass reaches level 75.

Free Exp M4 Pass Total

To answer the previous question, here’s the total free Exp M4 Pass that you can get without buying diamonds.

Exp M4 Pass
source: IG Borneo Gaming Official

You can see in the table that was published from this trusted MLBB creator content, there are 52,110 Exp or the equivalent of 52 levels.

But that hasn’t reduced the 1600 Exp that you can get from Rank Boost, where to get a rank boost you need to spend 10 diamonds. In total, you need 20x purchases or the equivalent of 200 diamonds.

So, from the whole quest you can get the total 50,510 Exp or the equivalent of 50 levels.

That’s the total Exp you get if you don’t buy the M4 Pass at all, you can get more by buying it +3 levels if buying M4 Pass for 399 diamonds and +5 levels if buying M4 Pass for 699 diamonds.

The conclusion is to get Beatrix’s M4 Prime skin, you can’t just complete free quests. You need to do other things like M4 Guess and others.

Of course, by correctly guessing the Champion from M4 you can also get additional Exp again.

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