3 Current Offlaner Heroes, Auto Win When Picking Them

Here are 3 offlaner heroes in Mobile Legends that are on the rise at the moment, when you pick one of them you can auto win in rank.

It looks like the current meta is the meta of offlaners, because many offlaner heroes have been buffed by Moonton in last December’s patch.

Even veteran heroes who are popularly used as offlaners are on the meta again after many seasons sinking to the bottom of the game’s meta.

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Regarding that matter, SPIN Esports has 3 offlaner heroes in Mobile Legends who are currently on op, can auto win pick them in rank guys.


Unbending will emblem
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First there is Chou, the many mage and marksman heroes who are on the rise at this time have made Chou’s name appear by itself in the meta game.

Because Chou is the counter for mage and marksman heroes, especially those who don’t have good mobility. So that Chou can kidnap them easily. The op heroes to counter are Xavier, Pharsa, Beatrix, Karrie and so on.


Offlaner heroes are illegal
Photo via YouTube

Then there is Lapu-lapu, getting a buff in the December patch made Lapu-lapu the prima donna in the offlaner role.

The damage generated is now quite large, not to mention its high lifesteal which makes it difficult for anyone to stop Lapu-Lapu.


Counter glow
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Finally there is Gloo, the case is the same as Lapu-lapu, after getting the Gloo buff it immediately ops and becomes a bone of contention for Mobile Legends players.

When using Gloo you will be guaranteed to win easily, because this one hero is difficult to counter especially in explane, Gloo cannot be defeated alone.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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