This Hero Fighter in Mobile Legends Can Be Revamped, But Still Forgotten

Did you know that this fighter hero in Mobile Legends often gets revamped from Moonton but players still forget who he is and why?

Among all the fighter heroes in Mobile Legends, there is one hero who often gets revamped from Moonton.

But even though he was repeatedly revamped by Moonton, this fighter hero was unable to penetrate the meta game of Mobile Legends.

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Who is this fighter hero and why does Moonton’s revamp always fail for him?


Hero fighter mobile legends
Photo via FB Zuna_gg

Yep, the hero we’re talking about is Alpha. Alpha himself is one of the veteran fighter heroes in MLBB.

His name has been around for a long time in Mobile Legends in-game and has gone through various types of game metas.

But unfortunately Alpha itself occupies more of a place as a forgotten hero or a hero that Mobile Legends players don’t rely on.

He is unable to compete with other fighter heroes, even though Alpha’s abilities are not too bad, it’s just that when used for by1, Alpha is easy to beat.

Moonton has given revamp to this hero more than 3x, but still, the revamp doesn’t make Alpha enter the meta game.

Hero fighter op mobile legends
Photo via

In fact, his name is even more forgotten because more and more fighter heroes or other offlaners are more op than Alpha.

If Moonton wants to make Alpha return to meta, they must change one of Alpha’s skills or give a significant buff to one of their skills.

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