The Right Way to Play Karrie, The Deadliest MM Hero Right Now

In the following, there are several ways you can play Karrie properly and correctly, she is the deadliest MM hero at the moment.

Karrie is the most popular and deadly marksman hero in the current Mobile Legends scene. His popularity cannot be separated from the existence of several new items that are very suitable for him.

Karrie is also a very deadly marksman in the current Mobile Legends meta game.

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But even though Karrie is very strong, the fact is that many still play Karrie carelessly. So regarding that, SPIN Esports has good and correct tips for playing Karrie so that she becomes the deadliest MM hero in Mobile Legends.

Take Objective

mobile legends ml objective turret

Of course the first tip is to take as many objectives as possible in the early game, because Karrie herself is just like any other marksman in general, she has to need items to maximize her abilities.

By taking the objective of the shield turret, killing opponents or getting assists to help teammates secure turtles, Karrie’s items can be made quickly.

Take advantage of Skill 2

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The last tip is to make the best use of Karrie’s 2 skills, remember that Karrie’s 2 skills are not just for running away because she has high mobility.

But Karrie’s skill 2 is useful for attacking, so when you’re issuing a basic attack, don’t forget to continue using skill 2 so that Karrie takes out quite a lot of true damage to your opponent.

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