The Current Meta Matches Them

Will Meet Todak, RRQ Acil: Current Meta Matches Them

RRQ Hoshi managed to pass their final test in the group stage after defeating and simultaneously dropping RSG SG to the lower bracket.

This result made them come out as runners-up in Group C and will meet Todak, a team from Malaysia.

The two of them can be considered interesting because they are both M-Series subscribers and always meet in the playoffs.

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READ ALSO: Coach Echo Answers ONIC Butsss’ Invitation to Meet in the Playoffs!

Previously on M3, RRQ Hoshi managed to defeat and simultaneously bring down Todak to the lower bracket, will the same thing happen this year?

However, seeing his good performance that he didn’t get a winstreak, Coach RRQ Acil gave a few comments about this.

M4 RRQ Hoshi
source: Doc. Personal

“Why can Todak winstreak? For me maybe it’s more because of the meta, yes, Swordsmanship from M3 has a rather strange meta, right, when our opponents in M3 also use Miya, and the meta now matches like that (weird meta). Maybe Todak is no longer compatible with meta now, it’s richer, in my opinion, “said Acil.

Acil mentioned that Todak won because the current meta suits them very well.

It can be said that Todak often plays their own meta so that they are often considered trolls, but this meta has proven to be very effective at this time and was able to make them advance smoothly to the group stage.

Unfortunately, Todak met RRQ, which we know they often avoid meeting because from the many meetings RRQ can be said to always be superior to Todak.

Will there be a different result or will it still be the same, namely Todak not being able to beat RRQ? We wish the best for the Indonesian representatives in this event.

READ ALSO: Message of Enthusiasm for RRQ Hoshi from ONIC Esports on M4!

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