3 Most Deadly Meta Ciki Heroes in Mobile Legends

In the following, there is a list of the 3 deadliest meta heroes in Mobile Legends, pick these heroes so you can win easily spinners.

Ciki meta has become a very popular meta in the Mobile Legends scene lately, this meta is considered effective because throughout the game you only have to lock one opponent’s hero.

The aim is to make the player’s mentality fall, so that he will become a burden to his team. And of course we can win the game easily.

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Related to that, SPIN Esports itself has 3 deadliest meta heroes in Mobile Legends, who are they?


Hero Assassin mobile legends
Photo via ArtStation

First there is Ling, in any situation Ling can easily lock one opponent’s hero. Because he has high mobility plus can go straight to the back of the opponent.

So when you’ve locked Ling, then you have to just give up. Because it’s hard to dodge and you need the help of your teammates.


Kadita Mobile Legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there is Kadita, from early to late game whether in a war situation or not, Kadita can easily be used to lock just one opponent’s hero.

His 1st skill is immune so he can easily target an opponent’s hero, plus his 3rd and 2nd skills are capable of killing an opponent in 1 attack.


Johnson mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

The last special is the most effective among all lock heroes, yep he is Johnson.

Johnson himself has a very annoying ultimate, he can hit anyone easily in any lane. This allows Johnson to lock just one hero effectively and quickly.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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