3 OP Heroes in Mobile Legends Countered by Roger

You should know that these 3 op heroes in Mobile Legends can be easily countered by Roger, who are they?

Who would have thought that Roger would be a very deadly jungler hero in the current Mobile Legends meta game, he can counter many current meta heroes.

Like the following three MLBB op heroes that Roger can easily counter, who are they?

READ ALSO: The 2 Most Powerful Heroes Counter Hayabusa Mobile Legends

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Hero Goldlane
Photo via Pinterest

It’s true that it looks very op in the current meta, but Hayabusa can still be stopped easily. Roger is a hero who can beat Hayabusa easily.

Apart from having high burst damage, Roger also has the blink skill from his 3 skills which makes Hayabusa’s ultimate cancelable.


Hero op mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there’s Karrie, don’t be afraid to fight Karrie anymore, just let go of your enemies. All you have to do is pick Roger to counter the marksman hero.

Because Roger is a natural counter for marksman heroes in Mobile Legends, all mm heroes can be defeated easily by Roger, especially Karrie.


The Most Effective Counter Martis
Photo via Kibrispdr

Finally there is Martis, no need for Martis tires anymore spinners. You just have to pick Roger to counter him.

Even the jungler Martis can be defeated by Roger easily, Roger has such great instant kill abilities.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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