Impressive, Echo Bennyqt Selected as MVP M4 Finals!

Impressive, Echo Bennyqt Selected as MVP M4 Finals!

It wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t discuss the MVP Finals for the M4 championship this time. But of course this is something to be proud of, especially for Bennyqt who was chosen as the Final MVP for M4 MLBB in 2022.

Although many may agree, several other players like Sanji and Sanford deserve this title.

READ ALSO: Slaying Blacklist International, Echo PH Wins M4 MLBB World Championship 2022!

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Become the Key to Victory for Echo

Maybe the right reason why Bennyqt was chosen as Final MVP was because he was the key to victory, especially in game 2 where he backdoored when Blacklist International almost had a cameback moment.

By using the hero Brody, he does a backdoor alone when the other players are fighting over the Lord.

Of course, seeing the unfavorable results in Lord, if only Bennyqt didn’t get a base from Blacklist International, things could have changed because Blacklist managed to level the position to 1-1.

Several brilliant games such as Flicker Torn Apart Memory (Ultimate) were also made by him for secure kills. Indeed, as a Goldlaner, his role as a killing machine must be recognized as very good, he does not hesitate to take back steps to get opposing heroes or use battle spells like Flicker to get kills against dying heroes.

Congratulations to Bennyqt, you deserve to win the 2022 MVP M4 MLBB Final title!

READ ALSO: Echo Chooses This MLBB Hero As M4 Champion Skin!

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