This is the newest mobile game that will make you lose if you don’t try it

PT Esports Star Indonesia is a business unit of PT MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk (PT MDE) which is also part of the MNC Group, as the largest and most integrated media group in Southeast Asia. Through this subsidiary, PT MDE has begun to enter the game industry with a target market not only in Indonesia but also to compete in the global market.

After successfully releasing 2 games which are the work of Indonesian children in the field of games, namely the game Kiko Run and Lola Bakery. PT ESI has also signed an agreement on game publishing rights with exclusive global rights belonging to a game company from South Korea for a 5V5 Multiplayer Action Game mobile game called Fight of Legends.

Fight of Legends is a 5v5 action game where the game takes place fast-paced or fight-right away (fights right away) by carrying Hero Brawler as the genre of this game. In this game there are 26 heroes with 5 hero roles, 4 map variations, and also a variety of other interesting features that will make you lose money if you don’t try to play the game. The hero roles in this game consist of Assassin, Support, Bruiser, Tanker, and Ranger. Meanwhile, the 4 maps consist of Twilight Land, Dessert of God, Snow Temple, and Galaxy Military Base.

Fight of Legends Gameplay

This game itself comes with a different theme from games of the same genre. One that looks very different is the presence of the Crafting feature. This feature generally exists in games with the Role Playing Game (RPG) genre and is used to increase the strength of the hero. There are also various other features that must be tried in the Fight of Legends game, so that the playing experience you get can be maximized.

Besides the fun game, you also have to follow Fight of Legends social media, Instagram, Fight of Legends Facebook Fan Page, and Fight of Legends Indonesia Youtube Channel. Various interesting information related to games and events with prizes that can not only make your heart happy but also make your pocket happy.

Fight of Legends is available and can be downloaded via GooglePlay and AppStore or you can directly click the following link Don’t forget to invite your friends to download the Fight of Legends game so they can play together.

That’s information about the Mystery Shop leaks that are likely to be available in the near future. Don’t forget to visit SPIN Website for other recent updates, and follow Instagram and YouTube We.


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