The 3 Deadliest Flicker Combo Heroes, Not Chou or Franco

You should know that the following are the 3 deadliest heroes in Mobile Legends combo flicker, who are they? Not Chou or Franco.

As we know, most Mobile Legends players know that flicker is only good in combos with Chou and Franco.

Even though there are many other heroes who are very suitable combos with the spell of a million people. Like the following three deadliest flicker combo heroes in Mobile Legends, who are they?

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Who would have thought that this one tank hero is a good combo with spell flicker, skill 3 which has cc skills is really good if you combo it with flicker.

Besides that, skill 1 is also suitable for combos with Flicker to instantly kill opponents but must be used with the most appropriate timing.


Hero fighter op
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Then there is Dyrroth, who has an ultimate that is easy to avoid, making Dyrroth need a spell flicker to maximize his abilities.

The flicker spell is used to make skill 3 Dyrroth hit the opponent and the opponent will definitely be killed instantly by Dyrroth.


hero offlaner op
Photo via ArtStation

Finally there is Ruby, you could say Ruby is a hero who must use the flicker spell to maximize all of her abilities.

All of Ruby’s skills are suitable for combos with the Flicker spell and will be a very deadly ability, especially the 3 flicker skill combo.

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