Roster Update: RRQ Arrival of 4 New Players!

Roster Update: RRQ Arrival of 4 New Players!

After the roster lock, of course there will be many announcements of new players coming to Mobile Legends.

This time, the roster update came from the RRQ team, where 4 new players were announced by RRQ. It is possible to see that the line-up of their players is a player for their MDL team, namely RRQ Sena.

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RRQ New Roster

RRQ New Player
source: IG @teamrrq

There is Slowly who is a former jungler from DNS Hammersonic. Then there is Octa, the former midlaner from AURA Blaze. As well as two more players namely Donn and Bear.

After the farewell of several players such as Warlord, Bociliboy and Justin, of course they need new ammunition to play in MDL ID Season 7.

During the 6 running seasons, Sena has not even won a championship. The best achievement was when he managed to become runner-up in MDL ID Season 2 where at that time RRQ was really strong with Skylar in the jungler position.

The start was even stronger because Alberttt, who had just joined at that time, could immediately tune in with his teammates. During MDL ID Season 2, RRQ Sena was indeed superior and even became the regular season champion.

However, it’s a shame that in the Grand Final they had to be beaten by Siren Esports, who was ranked 6th in the regular season.

Let’s wait and see, will this roster bring RRQ Sena to victory or will one of the players be promoted to MPL.

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