3 Most Deadly Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends Today

You should know that there are 3 deadliest assassin heroes in Mobile Legends at the moment, who are the three of them?

Among all the assassin heroes in Mobile Legends, only a few of them are the deadliest assassins in the current meta.

Like the three deadliest assassin heroes in Mobile Legends below, be careful when you meet the three spinners.

READ ALSO: The 3 Most Powerful Marksman Heroes Counter Beatrix

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Hero counter hayabusa
Photo via DeviantArt

Since the agile assassin buff, this one immediately pushed up to the Mobile Legends meta game. Hayabusa is a natural counter for marksman heroes.

Even fighter jungler heroes can be defeated easily, because of Hayabusa’s very deadly ability.


Saber mobile legends
Photo via Behance

Then there is Saber, in matters of killing Saber is the master, you could say when using him, the chance to kill the opponent is 90% successful.

All of that because of the ultimate Saber which is very terrible, once hit by skill 3 the hero you are using will immediately disappear from the map.


Counter gumion mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Finally, there is Gusion, since being revamped some time ago, Gusion has become a very popular and deadly assassin hero.

Gusion is really good at killing his opponents, his farming is fast plus his mobility is high. Anyway, you really have to pick this one hero if you want to win easily.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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