This One Tank Hero Counters All Marksman Heroes in Mobile Legends

Did you know that this one tank hero has the status as the counter of all marksman heroes in Mobile Legends, who is he?

Among all the tank heroes in Mobile Legends, there is only one tank hero who can really count all the marksman heroes in Mobile Legends.

This kind of ability is very rare and only has one hero, who is this tank hero and what makes him able to counter all marksman heroes?

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Hero counter marksman
Photo via DeviantArt

Yep, this hero is Lolita, you could say Lolita is a tank counter hero of all marksman heroes in Mobile Legends.

Why is that? Because Lolita has skill 2 in the form of a shield that can ward off or reflect damage from all marksman heroes, especially from their basic attacks.

As a result, heroes like Bruno, Beatrix, Brody, Wanwan, and so on, couldn’t unleash their maximum abilities against Lolita.

Their damage will be parried easily by Lolita, not to mention that Lolita also has two stuns from skills 1 and 3, each of which has a long stun skill.

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Especially skill 1 Lolita which can be spammed and effectively counters marksman heroes who have high mobility such as Moskov, Claude and so on.

Anyway, you could say Lolita is a tank counter hero of all marksman heroes in Mobile Legends.

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